Friday, September 30, 2011

New Update on April's Law Wisconsin!

Dear friends and supporters,

We have a huge update on April's Law Wisconsin, which is currently AB-136 in the Criminal Justice and Corrections committee. Representative Bob Turner has requested the chair, Representative Gary Bies to hear AB-136 to move it onto the next phase. Let's give Rep. Turner a big huge thank you.

Madison Office

Room 109 North

State Capitol

P.O. Box 8953

Madison, WI 53708


(608) 266-0731 Or

(888) 529-0061


Now, lets write to Rep. Bies and encourage him to hear AB-136 in committee so we can get this into law! We've come a long way, and the light at the end of the tunnel is bright! Please write or call today to encourage this important piece of legislation to be heard today!

Madison Office

Room 216 North

State Capitol

P.O. Box 8952

Madison, WI 53708


(608) 266-5350


A big thank you to all of you who've been with us all this time, and for those who are new to the cause! Please keep up the awesome work. We get this heard, and ALW comes to a vote in the Assembly!


Lika Saliscente - Founder of Youth Voice Initiative

Letter to request hearing.