Sunday, May 28, 2023

Blogophilia 48.14: History Repeats

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Hard Bonus: Quote or use a line by poet Billy Collins

Easy Bonus: 
Mention your favorite author

A Touch of Home

While it’s nice to have an extended weekend & something to celebrate, we ought to remember who & what we are celebrating, or History Repeats. It’s not just in the way of events, or recurring mistakes as a society. Often, trauma survivors will use automated responses to keep continuing the cycle. While people often break the generational curses, the types of relationships often keep repeating for themselves.

In the creative arts – whether it’s drawing/painting, music, writing, theater, crafting, etc… expression often is life-saving. It helps soothe & repair our own souls, and can share them with others, and speaks volumes, even when words cannot express them. It’s the feeling, like an instinct, where deep connections exist.

 I imagined the atmosphere would be clear,
shot with pristine light,
not this sulphurous haze,
the air ionized as before a thunderstorm.

Writing Writing In the Afterlife
by Billy Collins

Lee Child says it best, about his military action books, which can be applied to your own cause, whether it’s your career, advocacy, or any other gig – “You mustn’t fall in love with your own hero.” That’s when the corruption begins.

Happy Memorial Day, in remembrance of those who have served & passed on.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Blogophilia 47.14: WRITER’S CHOICE (reminisce)

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Hard Bonus: Writer’s Choice – something learned from an elder

Easy Bonus: Writer’s Choice – unique childhood memory

Bug Lantern

Last Sunday was Mother’s Day. Yesterday, I met up with an old friend that I hadn’t seen in about 30+ years. Next weekend is Memorial Day. It gets easy to Reminisce as we get older, especially when we aren’t as spry & energetic as we were when we were young. We have more time to think about things because we don’t do as much.

As a child, having tons of fresh fruit, I couldn’t wrap my head around eating cooked fruit… The preserves that were available at the time were just, um… no. Just, no. Coming to live with my grandparents, who would pick enough strawberries to make freezer jam to last close to a year, I remember being afraid of it… My Grandma would always gently tell me, “Always be an explorer. You’ll never know what you like until you try it”. It took a year, but I finally tried it & ended up loving it. Now I can’t do any store-bought preserves since the cooking process changes the flavor, even when they are premium brands. I remember thinking the same about banana bread & apple pie. I learned well, ‘don’t knock it ’til you try it’ and applied that to other things as well. I didn’t get to go to a theme park until I was in my teen years, I want to say about 13 or 14. The roller coasters looked scary but interesting. I just knew I wasn’t interested in the whirly rides that come with the carnivals every year locally. So I start with the Eagle, which I think is one of the biggest & oldest wooden roller coasters around & liked it. Then I went to the other ones that were available, and while the water rides are refreshing as a break from the twist & turns, loop to loop, corkscrews, etc. they ended up being my favorite. I’d go on to talk about the things that I tried & liked, disliked & so-so, this would be a small book. Life is interesting. I’m hoping to go to the theme park with the friend I met up with yesterday to be a coaster-junky for a day.

I think every country has its own versions of parades, but I remember going to the 4th of July parades here (even during summers we were just visiting) and the different bands they had back then were just amazing… It seemed like every 4th or 5th act was a musical group of some sort or another. I stated back then, I think maybe in 77 that I was going to not only be in the parade, but I was going to be in the marching band. Everyone laughed, but I got the last one when I not only took up the clarinet in elementary school but joined the local marching band in Jr. High and stayed with it for 5 years. It was fun to go to the various competitions around the state, as well as one big trip out of state, and of course, there was the fun of catching lightning bugs in a jar to have our own little lantern to carry around.

My marching days are long gone… but that doesn’t mean my parade days are over! Yes, I still play in two groups. The Parkside Community Band just wrapped up not long ago until September. I’m also in the Racine Concert Band and will be able to play on the float during the parade. The RCB has a show coming up in conjunction with J.I. Case High School. No cash at the door, but tickets will be available via the Ticket Spicket App (click to go straight there). A QR code will be available at the school for those who don’t have a ticket & staff will be available to help those who need assistance. Hope to see you there!

Who: Case High School band & RCB 
What: 2 bands, one concert
When: Thursday, May 25, 2023 at 7pm
Where: J.I. Case High School
How: $5.00/adults & $4.00/students
Why: Something to do, somewhere to go, people to see

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Blogophilia 46.14: An Inspiring Person

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Hard Bonus: Incorporate a haiku

Easy Bonus: Use a line from the movie “ET”

Marching Forward

Many people have someone they see as An Inspirational Person. I don’t know how many of us get told we’re one, and the few times I’ve heard it, I always wonder how that happened… Mine is my Aunt Judy, who is always humble because, to her, she’s just her. We don’t have to be exceptional, or great, just “Be good” to the best of our ability.

My sweet Aunt Judy
Fairy godmother always
Guardian savior

Keep moving forward when everything is wrong… Even if it’s snail’s pace. Go after that “thing”. Even if you try, fail, regroup, & take a different approach, someone else watching will be inspired. Don’t listen to the haters, they’re either wanting you to fail or jealous that they don’t have the gumption that you do. While I wish I could be more like my aunt, there is only one her, just like there’s only one me & one you. Do you the best you can, your supporters are the ones to keep you going, and you might be surprised, someone else will make you their Aunt Judy.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Blogophilia 46.14: Staying Positive in a Negative World

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Hard Bonus: Use any lyric from a Green Day Song

Easy Bonus: Reference one of the 7 wonders of the world (modern or ancient)

Earth turning to Mars

There was a lot going on before the pandemic, which seemed to exaggerate some of the issues... It's not easy Staying Positive in a Negative World, especially with extra things going on... The insanity is still flying, the madness still tossing around, and stagnation abounds... Yet here we are, with hope, as we feel defeated, we still seem to find our inner strength somehow.

I'm on a sentimental journey into sight and sound
Of no return and no looking back or down
A conscientious objector to the war that's in my mind
I'm leaving in the lurch and I'm taking back what's mine

Credit - Greenday: Castaway - "Warning" album 2000

For those of you who are struggling - may your pains ease, dreams realized, and please don't shut people out like The Great Wall of China, be more like The Lighthouse of Alexandria, and stand the test of time, even if you feel like you're being stubborn.