Thursday, August 9, 2012

To my friend Always Free.

I would comment in the Journal Time's blog, but, ever since it got redone, I can only go onto the forum side, and then, they want to charge for my going into the forums if I read too much.  I'm already subscribing, I'm not paying twice.

Anyway, here is the blog in question:

I just want to let you know, racists come in all shapes, sizes and political parties.  But sure, if you're an abortion doctor, and you want job security, you're going to support those who approve of your line of work.  That happens to be the democrats, for the most part.  That does NOT mean that this particular doctor is necessarily a democrat.  There is a difference between supporting your sense of job security, and actually belonging to the political party.

Some babies are born cuter than others.  But seriously?  With the thick accent, I'm not even sure he knew what was happening.  And here is a question.  Why are those people protesting the abortion doctor's house, rather than actually adopting for real?  They have the chance, and it's not happening.  At least sign up to be foster parents.

So I have a question for the republicans...  If you don't think poor people should have babies, why are you pro-life?  And if you're so pro-life, why don't you think that working poor people should get help to keep their babies healthy by helping out with food stamps and medical care?

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