Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Lonely Seas Prevail: Blogophilia 2.1

This is Week 26 of Year 7 in Blogophilia!

Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 points) Use a quote by Dante Alighieri
(Easy, 1 point) Incorporate the color of your eyes
Space.....  The final frontier....  These are the voyages of human kind....  To boldly want to go, where we can't.  Yet.

Sky desertSky desert

It's amazing how often, science fiction can help shape the future on technology.  Captain Kirk's communicators turned into cell phones.  The medical tricorders turned into ultrasound, and the other tricorders turned into metal detectors and such.  I like to use Star Trek as an example, because, well, imo, it's the best of sci fi along with the imagination of different species, action, etc.

I think we all would think it's cool to explore space, and find other intelligent life.  And if Star Trek can be achieved, I sometimes wonder if some of these other intelligent species, say like the Vulcans, have issues with the madness such as domestic violence, drugs, etc...  Even if there is strife with the Romulans, the Vulcans had it so they were on different planets.  They are the same people, divided by logic.

This futuristic theme, while it still has a great deal of turmoil and strife, also has many ideas that are ideal, such as not needing money, poverty along with malnutrition and lack of health care were no longer issues, racism and sexism eradicated, and intergalactic communication...  Globally.  While dealing with the issues on Star Trek, and it's modern, post today era, it makes me wonder if we are actually capable of even coming close to this. 

Thing is, there are so many issues to consider.  Race relations is just in a huge way is a problem here in this country.  Wage disparities still happen.  With each issue, it seems as if the liberals are pushing harder left, and the conservatives harder right.  At this pace, we are only going to create a political climate of bigger argument, stonewalling the other party, and too many arguments and not enough getting the job done.  I, personally think most of us Americans are more in the middle.  But, it's not just us.  Look at the Israel/Palestine wars, which have been going on, literally for centuries.  Eastern Europe still are fighting the religious wars, where the person/party in power chooses the national religion, and the religion in power influences the political climate.  These are many reasons why the boarders of these countries keep changing.  Of course then, there are the third world countries where poverty is the norm, and it's really hard to deal with, when babies die from starvation or some form of preventable diseases...

Well, I'll tell you, that this brown eyed girl agrees with Dante Alighieri when he states, "The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crises".  Right is right, even if you're the only one doing it, and wrong is still wrong even if everyone is doing it.  Yes, I realize it's the lonely seas prevail when it seems as if you're continuously taking the high road.  This high road isn't just about standing up for a cause, but, to not settle for second best when settling down with a mate, and what have you.  This is also why I stay convicted in my belief that someone needs to help make the social change to help abused children.

But, of course with all of the good people here in blogophilia, and the good people I go to open mic with, and then all of my awesome friends, there IS a chance, and hope that more people can pass the goodness forward.

Topic:  Barbara K.
Bonus points:  Stormy and Michael Tod
Picture:  Nina
Word/Phrase:  1) Desert Sky  2) spacial anomaly  3) electrical charge  4) marbled sky/land  5) galactic lights  6) Northern Ice Lights  7) distortion field  8) Time Warp  9) arctic cold

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