Thursday, October 26, 2017

ArtRoot Mixer: It was cool!

There is this place at 1501 Washington Avenue called The Branch. They’re open for regular business from 8am-2pm M-F, and open for event rentals in the evenings and on weekends. Tonight, it was for this ArtRoot mixer. ArtRoot is an organization that celebrates the arts in Racine, from visual art, music, graphic art, other performing arts, including Open Mics and so much more. I really can’t do the organization justice in an introduction, so this will have to do. The building is wheelchair accessible.

The owner and tender of The Branch

Being that Chad is a budding comedian who occasionally performs at the Family Power Open Mic events, I figured this would be an interesting outlet to attend, since they also served Pakistani food, for FREE, and my son is also a foodie who will be working at Sebastian’s Restaurant, soon, as a Chef’s Assistant/Intern.

Nick, Dick, and Nick

Pictured is Nick Demske, founder of Bonk! along with who knows what else. In the middle, my son Chad, aka Dick Cheese the comedian. To the right, Nick Ramsey, founder of Family Power Music, Origin’s of HipHop, and organizer for a million things, that has to do with artistic expression.

Anyways, trying to harbor my son’s culinary interests, I thought this was a unique experience with Pakistani food. I remember having some when my friends, Saddaf, Farah, and Furyal Z. Mehar cooked some of that deliciousness, back when I was a young college student. The meal tonight featured these:

Pakistani rice pilaf

Spinach and Potato mild curry

Potato Cauliflower curry

It was a really nice spread. Everything was delicious. It’s different than what you get at your Chinese restaurants, but equally good. The Kabab and Grill restaurant is also in the Uptown area. Try it sometime, and see for yourself.

So, of course, here is me, with MY plate, and a River Root beer. Doesn’t it look good?

We had a nice introduction to everyone there, and, I made some new contacts. Pretty cool event. Who knew that Racine hosts these neat things?

The young guy way in the back, dressed so spiffy is my young friend, Trevor Jung, who will be graduating college at the end of December. (I’m invited to your party, right?)

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