Saturday, March 6, 2021

Your Favorite Chef! I need your help, please!

So, I check my status on My Favorite Chef, and I climbed to 7th place. I am very excited! If I make it to the top 5 by the end of Thursday, I move to the next round! My hope is that I will be able to win, and not only get featured in Bon Appetite Magazine but also with the cash prize, to open my own food truck, as well. The winnings will be $50,000 - to be split - part for me to open my truck, and the rest to share. Because of my passion to feed people, I will be sharing with the Hospitality Center, the largest meal site in Wisconsin, feeding 40-65 M-F for breakfast, 80-120 M-F for lunch, and countless for dinner on M & T.

Below is my country-style pork ribs, slow roasted in craft beer, seasoned with onion, garlic, salt, pepper, paprika, and other herbs & spices, then grilled on a charcoal grill with my homemade whisky barbecue sauce. With it, steamed premium-grade Japanese rice with furikake (seasoned rice sprinkles, called pah-pah by children, because the way you shake it over the rice, kind of going pah, pah, pah) and fresh roasted green beans in butter, salt, pepper & a dash of garlic powder.

Cast your free vote here:
I cannot do this without you! Thank you again! You are all very awesome! Supporters will get free samplings, including extra on opening, new developments, and more! Thank you so much for your continued support!
Just remember, if I get to open this food truck up, I will also be doing more to support the local economy such as Malicki's Piggly Wiggly, Matt's Produce, and more, because a food truck will need good stuff to put out! I'm so excited that I made it to the 4th round! Thousands entered. The 1st round came to the top 50 in each category, 2nd down to the top 15, 3rd to the top 10, and this round will decide the top 5! So many good people entered.

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