Sunday, November 6, 2022

Weekly Writer’s Group Topic: Saving Daylight

Subtopic 1: Include thanking a veteran

Subtopic 2: Include something you would never forget

Weekly Writer’s Facebook group HERE

Blog topic parameters Over Here

Light Stream

It seems crazy sometimes that we want to be Saving Daylight. As a young adult, I was somewhat a night owl, and preferred 2nd shift. Now, I think I’m officially “old” – I’m in bed by midnight, awake around 6:30AM, up by 7. I wake up when I wake up. The clocks don’t matter. I don’t mind getting the extra hour in the fall, when we need it due to winter coming, I’m having more & more difficult time losing that extra hour in the spring each year. Old people don’t like to spring ahead faster than we need to.

In thinking about thanking a veteran… My great uncle Wally, who served in WWII – he’s been long gone, but I will always remember visiting him and will never forget how he would drive the golf cart so us kids could chase each other, knock each other out, just to be able to sit next to him until we got knocked out by the next cousin to sit there…

Life goes on, so many memories… We need to normalize telling people we love them, even if it’s awkward, strange, etc. It’s getting more difficult to roll with the flow & have people go. For those of you who stay active, even if it’s just online, thank you! I appreciate you because you’re all treasures.