Monday, June 16, 2014

Say It Isn't So! Blogophilia 17.7

Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 points) Use a line from Tennyson's Morte D'Arthur
(Easy, 1 point) Mention one of the 7 deadly sins

Hear, hear, I hope...  I need to be able to get more involvement.  I am a busy gal, and I suppose that is good, because busy people usually don't cause or get into trouble...  I am, though, one of these that naturally is geared toward the troubles, though, it is for a good cause, so, I'm not sure if it could be good trouble, because it's a good cause, or if it's bad trouble, because this should not HAVE to be a cause...

I know, I know, I speak of my cause regularly...  But, as we all know, all too often, children are abused by those who are closest to them, trusted to them some how, and it's not the stranger danger theories that keep coming out.  Yet, it seems as if the closer the relationship to the child, the more it is minimized and situations call for the children to be right back into the very abusive atmosphere they came from, because no one wants to break up a family, or what have you...  Yet it is this very most hurtful, because the closer the relations, the bigger heart break of why these kids are being abused...

YVI's official website:
Facebook page:
Statistics about abuse:

The worst kind of abuse, is sex abuse.  It is what leaves the biggest and longest lasting scars...  This type of Lust is out of line, and I can't wrap my head around it.  Of course, the pedophiles will look at me as if I banished them out of this life, say, "Ah, miserable and unkind, untrue, Unknightly, traitor-hearted! Woe is me!"  Ah, poppycock!  Children are not sex toys, and should not be groomed for perverted activities, and they say, "please, say it isn't so"!  Yet these people have an inordinate cravings for the pleasures of the flesh with children, no less!  And they don't seem to get it, that this is ill behavior.  These sickos, these psychos...  need at least 3 years in prison for treatment, and the more they try to justify their own behavior, the longer therapy they need.  Leaving these people out in the general public doesn't work.  They will justify why they won't go to therapy.  Even with the therapy, they may just learn how to say what the authorities want to hear, and then get let out. 

Oh, holy crap...Oh, holy crap...

Our children are our future.  We cannot, again, can-not, abuse their dreams out of them, without making the future of our own planet a shattered dream with a bleak outlook for our kids.  No worries, the concept of can't or give up are not in my vocabulary.  I've made it over so many hurdles, I will continue to make it over, or under or around hurdles.  I will always do what I can do.  Some day, I will be successful.

Title:  (in blog) - Stormy Gail
Bonus points - "ah, miserable and unkind....." (in blog)  lust & definition (in blog)  Trevor and Bettie
Picture:  Barbara
Word/Phrase- 1)  Shattered dream (in blog)  2) bleak outlook (in blog) 3) Oh, holy crap!  (picture caption)  4)  stranded  5) abandoned  6) there's no place like home  7)  if only...  8)  whispering in the wind  9)  hang on to your hat  10) 7 year itch  11) deserted in the desert  12) If Marilyn Monroe were a country girl...  13)  Why me?

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