Thursday, June 12, 2014

What can YOU do, to prevent child abuse? More than you think!

In the past few months, there have been many articles in my local paper about how some of these offenders are getting sentenced for their sex abuse committed on children.  As a parent, I am afraid for my child, if he were to ever be assaulted.  As a survivor of sex abuse, it enrages me at how little these people are getting.  As an advocate for social change leading to stiffer laws on perpetrators, I know that I have a very, very,very LONG and lonely road ahead of me.  I will get to that later, but, to prove my point, here are some articles about different perpetrators getting off easy on their sentencing.

Here is the most recent one, where this offender is reported as a repeat offender, and is only getting 1 year, and isn't required to register as an offender, even though this is his 2nd time being caught, and this offense includes 3 victims.

This one is about the heir to a multibillion dollar company is only getting four months in jail, a $6,000 fine, and no registry.  Even though the judge lectures him about how the abuse is never the child's fault, the child he assaulted for 3 years was supposed to release her medical records for purposes of the court.  That is absurd.  And for being part of such a huge company, $6000 is not going to break his piggy bank.

Another example here, of a guy in his mid 20's, who may be playing the game of mentally incapacitated to stand trial, for having assaulted a child he was babysitting, and making child porn with that same child as well as up to 5 children.  The excuses these people get...  So he has the where-withal to get these boys acting in a sexual manner to record and post, but is incompetent to stand trial?

This offender won't have to stand trial.  I'm not sure if that is good or bad, but, because there won't be all of this about stating each crime he has committed, he won't be put on the spot as he ought to be.

Here is a case where the charges were dropped because the victim "was uncooperative".  What, so this relative can keep assaulting the same kids?

There is another case where the charges were dropped, because the victim committed suicide.  Since the victim is dead, they let the perpetrator go.  Which is absurd, because those who get sexually abused during their life has a greater risk for suicide than those who are never abused.  Sad world that it's okay to be a child rapist, if the victim takes their own life from not being able to deal with the abuse.  What kind of crap is this?

I just know that something has to be done, and so far, I'm fighting an up hill battle, by myself, because even with my desperate pleas to get people involved in getting something done, I can't seem to get any bodies here at the meetings, and if I get a couple, it's only a couple of times...  It's not that I mind being the lonely wolf.  I know that the rogue wolf often has to go it alone, because people don't want to get overly involved, or just has more important issues to take care of.  I get it.  That's fine.  I realize people have their own lives.  But, to sit back and say the police can be called, is too late.  The abuse already happened.  You CAN help prevent child sex abuse, and please read here to find out more.

Those who bully the victim are cowardly abusers themselves that can do a lot of damageThose who bully the victim are cowardly abusers themselves that can do a lot of damage

98% of the abuse allegations are true.98% of the abuse allegations are true.

if you condone the abuser, you're it's okay.if you condone the abuser, you're it's okay.

Most of the time, disclosing the abuse is the most difficult thing to do.Most of the time, disclosing the abuse is the most difficult thing to do.

Stranger-danger is the rarest form of sex abuse.Stranger-danger is the rarest form of sex abuse.

We must stop thinking of children as property of their parents, or the sex abuse will continueWe must stop thinking of children as property of their parents, or the sex abuse will continue

Pedophile supporters are part of the problem, not the solution.Pedophile supporters are part of the problem, not the solution.

Yes, pedophiles are manipulators.  That's how the groom the victims and their families, because then, it's more difficult to believe that they are abusers.Yes, pedophiles are manipulators. That's how the groom the victims and their families, because then, it's more difficult to believe that they are abusers.

Please don't shun the victim.  They need your support more than ever.Please don't shun the victim. They need your support more than ever.

Doing the right thing is still the right thing, if you're the only one doing it.  Doing the wrong thing is still wrong, even if everyone is doing it.Doing the right thing is still the right thing, if you're the only one doing it. Doing the wrong thing is still wrong, even if everyone is doing it.

Stand for something, or fall for anything.Stand for something, or fall for anything.

I hope these stickers help to inspire you to do something.  I only ask for about an hour a month for meetings, to discuss our course of action.  With this, I will do all of the work to set it up for the next meeting so we can make progress on it.  After we have things to work with, we will invite legislators to speak with us so we can make it clear what we are going for.  The more people we have, the more of an impact we can make.  I am even offering refreshments out of my own funds and stash, to make it appealing to you.  No money needed, not right now.  Just a little bit of your time, and we can get this going.  I am only one voice, as you are, also.  together, we can make the push we need.

Your silence is permission for the pedophiles and their supporters to win.  Please be a voice, even if you need it behind my organization - Youth Voice Initiative -
Official website -
Facebook page -
Linked In -
Blogger/Blogspot -
Word Press -
I try to cross post as much as possible, so anyone who can access a computer may read and participate without having to have special accounts.  Just use the one most convenient for you, and hope to see you at one of our meetings.

For even more information, with loving support from:
Blog Talk Radio - SCAN - with Bill Murray, radio host and leader of NASCAA -
Peer Support/Music Therapy - Mike Skinner Music -
Male Abuse Awareness - Elizabeth Herd - Founder of Sean's Voice -

Please share, and share widely...  Those of us who want to help curb child abuse in any form have to stick together and go viral, not just online, but in our own communities.  Peace out!


  1. Comment from SW – I just finished reading the FIRST link about one “Paul Beckett” molesting 3 children and getting a one year sentence with 4 months served on a PLEA BARGAIN ( PLEA BARGAINING WITH CHILD MOLESTORS IS CRIMINAL!!!) and ended up on another link to the same case. One “Tina Durand” who KNEW about the abuse and not only didn’t report it but told one of the children “You better not tell.” She was sentenced to 8 months in jail under a plea, after knowing about the abuse allegations for two years. And at sentencing she was told by the court “Here, ma’am, I have to honestly tell you: As much as I want to give you credit for the things you’ve done since this, I cannot get around what you did not do … and the court is of the opinion that to grant you pure probation would depreciate the seriousness of this crime. “Here’s the link to the story about this woman who is apparently a family member of the children.…/article_acb789bc-d340-11e0…
    Right at THIS particular moment…..I don’t want to let you down by stopping here for the moment but I’m so worn thin……and sleep deprived….that I truly don’t have it in my OWN emotional bank account to read further articles or respond further. I’m on the inside of this article looking out right now. This triggered me, (and the judges/counselors of these children say there’s no apparent damage or signs of PTSD…..and I’ll add “YET!!) I was molested as a child. Sexually assaulted twice that I recall as a teen. And not long ago an IMMEDIATE male family member that I’d just been reunited with/hadn’t seen since I was about 8yrs old asked me to marry him. A recovered alcoholic/AA counselor/sponsor DIRECT Family member left a message on my answer machine AND called and called and called and called and called while I was here alone TRIPPING over the message I was listening to. It took a LOT to finally pick up the phone, I remember him saying he’d had a “vision” of “US”. With all my might I held myself together and told him he needed to write that “vision down” and fax it to me before I would speak to him. I now have a tape recording of his voice message AND his” vision” in HIS handwriting. After being called a liar and being beaten by the people who were SUPPOSED to Protect and BELIEVE me as a child I GOT EVIDENCE. I protected two family members with copies of that evidence. And I was questioned with hints of “What did you do to entice him?” And instead of being protected and stood up for I was told to call him and tell him to never grace my door step again while certain family members gathered with HIM in attendance and acted like nothing happened. A part of my family has stopped all contact with me since, as if I did something wrong. I’ll get to the rest of this when I can Lika. I’ve been silent today while a police officer who protected me from a “prowler” on June 5th was laid to rest today after being gunned down by two wack jobs. I’m tired,worn and feeling rather shattered and in deep need of some sleep/quiet brain time. I didn’t expect to say this much tonight. I NEED to turn it off for one night and this is the night. I may only be able to handle one link at a time. I’ll do what I can when I can.

    1. I fully understand the problems we face as survivors. While we may be fine most of the time, and keep our head up and be strong for others, but, some days we get tripped up and tripped good (well, actually bad, but…) – and to think that there are relatives who still condone the abuser? This is why I have to fight. No, I’m not obligated, but, someone has to stand up and do the right thing by our children, so that the courts understand, the lawyers understand, and the legislators understand that victimizing a child in this way is never something “light”, and should be punished accordingly.

  2. Comment from MS – sadly, “Silence is the abuser’s friend”…and even sadder, the apathy of most people in not wanting to hear, see, or talk talk about the sexual abuse of children…I always question why these light sentences given to convicted pedophiles – I wonder if those in charge of sentencing have their own agenda in not punishing the perp – why are the sympathetic/empathetic to the abuser??? Are they of the right mindset????

    1. It makes me wonder as well. And often it never makes sense, because I see some of the judges give out harsh punishments in some cases, then go easy on the next one… It seems as if some of the perpetrators are what Wisconsin Coalition Against Sex Abuse (WCASA) call “sympathetic offenders”, to where a jury may not convict if the charges are harsher. So, now it’s not just educating the legal system from the law makers to the law practitioners to the law system, it’s the general population so that jurists aren’t going to lighten up. To think that because sometimes, the child victim is labeled a problem that they go lighter on the offender… It makes no sense. Just because a kid is a “problem child” does not mean that child deserves to be sexually abused, and it hurts them, sometimes, worse than the other children, and it’s already worse than bad enough as it is… When it comes to child sex abuse, it’s like the song “Silence” – that silence, like a cancer, grows… To stop this cancer, we MUST stand up.

  3. Comment from TRK – My daughter opened up to me when she was 18. What she told me made me, floored me. I never would have assumed that my ex-husband would have done the things she told me. It happened when her and her little brother were visiting him during summer break. She was only 11 years old. I took her to our police station and they began an investigation which ended because they said there was no proof of it happening. My daughter is now grown and has a family of her own. I live with the fact that my precious daughter was terrorized and alone and too afraid to tell me of the horrible act that she endured at the hands of the person she loved and trusted. He is free as a bird and couldn’t care less about the fact that he violated the innocence of our child.

    1. This is why I think that childhood sex abuse should be able to bring up on charges at minimum, when the child is at least 21, or like murder cases, any time. Thing is, even if the proof cannot be physically gotten, there are always circumstantial evidence that can be used. If they can get a guilty verdict without a dead body for murder victims, they should be able to do the same for abused children. I am very sorry that this happened to your family. And it’s for reasons like this, that fuels my fire.

  4. Comment from CC – Yesterday, my organization was part of an event. It was a Health and Wellness Fair. Many of the people passed by our table and didn’t want to hear about child sexual abuse. Many of them didn’t want the pamphlets and information about the what is child sexual abuse?, the grooming stages and the after effects of this heinous crime. Sadly to say but our society is still in denial that these rampant crimes happen. Children will come up to our table and some of them didn’t know about the topic. I asked them “your parents talk you about sexual abuse?” The answer was more devastating to hear. Parents are not educating themselves and are not educating their children. These children are at higher risk of sexual abuse. When you don’t arm children with knowledgeable tools anyone can approach and hurt these innocent children.

    1. yes, that is unfortunate that people in general don’t want to hear about it… It isn’t until it happens in their family that they are finally wanting the information and to stand against it, yet that is when it’s too late. I’ve had talks with my own son, since he was in preschool, about good touch/bad touch. I let him know that if it makes him feel uncomfortable, it’s probably bad, and to understand which circumstances are acceptable. He has known since then, what is considered “private”, and that the doctor is doing his job (of course with me, present) and if someone tries to touch him wrong, that it is NOT his fault and it is okay to tell me, no matter what is threatened… I wish all parents would be involved this way… I am hoping to be able to attend one of those health days type things, even if only 1 person is willing to listen… I also know too well, that it takes a LONG time to come to the point to where I am now. For the longest time, I didn’t want people to know, and couldn’t talk about it in private… It wasn’t until years after I moved out of “home” to be able to be an active fighter for this cause. Now, I’m unstoppable, and I will keep doing what I do, until my health status prevents me from continuing…
