Monday, July 7, 2014

More fresh things from the market, and a little bit more...

These were supposed to be a bunch of status updates....  But, facebook wasn't letting me on for a couple of days, and then my computer was so slooowww.....  Plus, I've been busy.

I have been certified as a Health Unit Coordinator.  I've started applying for jobs again, and well, I have to say...  it's not as plentiful as they were.  Thing is, the 2012/13 school year only had 21% of their HUC grads find a position.  I started applying for them in April of 2014, when I still had a month to go.  Tons of applications.  Yet I'm still looking, and so I'm wondering who filled those positions?  Some you have to be an aid, also.  Many of the people in my class were not aids.  But, anyway...  Gotta keep the nose to the grind, and not be discouraged.  God will ensure that I land the right one. 

So, anyway, last Wednesday, I took my son and hubby to the farmer's market in West Racine, and my hubby wanted to get fresh beats.  We also got a few more things.  More green onions, popcorn on the cob, etc.  The beats still had the greens, so those got cut off and sliced, to help get turned into the veggie part of the pan fried noodles called yakisoba.  It's kind of like the Japanese version of lo-mein.  I also had some cabbage and sugar snap peas, so they went in there too, along with the green part of the green onion.  It was good.  Of course the onion part got used for something else.

My son has been helping out at the soup kitchens, and I think it's great that he helps out there.  It is always an interesting time for me.  Sometimes, the group has this total thankful type attitude...  And I always wonder why they are thankful, and to me, even....  I don't always have enough to donate food, and they are still glad that I am serving them.  Other times, the group is rather tame, and come to accept the food.  But, it is interesting, because at the end, they always feel like saying thanks, or complimenting the food, etc...  I just feel like I'm the one whose blessed to serve them, not them blessed because I serve them.  Fellow volunteers are always neat, because every group has a different personality.

I'm going to have a cousin from Japan come for a couple of days to visit.  I am happy for that.  Anyway, I am hoping that she will be enjoying her time with us.  She will be moving on elsewhere after visiting my family.  She's staying at my mom's, where there is suitable room.

Open mic this Wednesday...  helping my son get more on his repertoire list.  He is a card, I tell you.  Even comes up with good ones off of the top of his head.  And I'm wondering if the family being in health care is rubbing off on some of his dark humor...  but, it was hilarious!

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