Sunday, August 25, 2024

Blogophilia 9.16: Friendship Karma

Martien Ecrits Blogophilia group on Facebook HERE

Blog topic parameters & how it works Right Here

A word from Marvin Martian: This is Week 9 in Year 16 of Blogophilia! August is coming to a close, and soon it’ll be time to break out all things pumpkin spice, HA! This week, friendship is the topic – what does friendship mean to you and how important is it in your life?

Hard Bonus: Mention the law of opportunity costs

Easy Bonus: Include a lyric by the group Roxette

Dance Scene

Friendship Karma – what you sew can be what you reap. We all have our personal styles, and I appreciate all people genuine. I don’t get to talk to a lot of people, but I appreciate all of them. Some are really outgoing, others are more reserved, some are funny & serious. For these people, I’m forever grateful. I just can’t be around those who zap energy or use people. I need that energy & those resources for myself & my immediate household. The law of increasing opportunity cost is and economic principle that describes how the cost of choosing one use over another increases as resources are applied. If the people who actually owed me paid me over the course of a lifetime, it would add up to probably be worth 3 or 4 years worth of what I’m guaranteed at my current job (I’m on 6 hours a week, pick up what I can, as I can, as available). So, with the 6x52xpay minimum of $5G/year – from the lady who was a single mom & needed a sitter (I really cared about those kids) & stiffed me by a LOT… the couple of people who would take money out of my wallet (one was a family member, another was one I was nice enough to let him sleep on the couch), a supposed 22 year Navy veteran who took advantage of when we were still unpacking at our house… Maybe I actually could have paid for the vacation I wanted plus put in a 3/4 shower in my basement… But, it’s done, over, time to move on…

In the words of Roxette from the Look Sharp album, DangerousGet out of my way! Get out of my sight! I won’t be walking on thin ice to get through the night. It takes a lot to make changes, walk away from toxic people, especially when the behaviors are ingrained, etc. It’s not easy but I’m glad. 🙂 It’s good to be a little bit dangerous sometimes. 😉

Monday, August 19, 2024

Blogophilia 8.16: Big Sur

This is Week 8 in Year 16 of Blogophilia! Who is ready for some surfing and fun in the sun? This Martian, that’s who!

Marvin Martian‘s Blogophilia Facebook group Here

Blog topic parameters & how it works HERE

Hard Bonus: Incorporate your favorite city in California

Easy Bonus: Include the 60’s slang word “boss” in your blog

Maxxed Out!

I visited California once, but we were in L.A. in a motel, not at Big Sur. It would have been really neat to go there, since there’s options for lodging, such as cabins, inns, camping, etc. Hiking in the Rocky Mountains would be fun, as well as being able to see the various natural habitats. But, my son’s paternal side had relatives just outside of the big city, which is 6 hours away from there, so that was cool. We had fun, it was one of the better vacations I’ve been on.

In elementary school, I enjoyed reading books by Phyllis A. Whitney, and my favorite was The Mystery of the Green Cat, and was intrigued by the various hills like Nob Hill & the historic significance of the area, including the Fisherman’s Wharf – so I’ve been wanting to visit San Francisco ever since, since it would be boss to experience that.

I got the upcoming schedule for the concerts… The very 1st rehearsal for the 1st concert starts September 5, only 9 days after my rotator cuff surgery… The conductor knows that I’ll have to miss the 1st rehearsal for sure, but it depends on healing if I can make the rest of them. I’m also not sure if I’d be able to do the 1st RCB… I’m hoping things will work out sooner. I have no idea what to expect or how long it’ll take to be able to put my clarinet together & take apart… Limbo stinks. I just know that all 3 of the conductors are cool – in their own ways. I might just sign up for all of them & hope for the best, and if I need someone to put my clarinet together, let them do it so I can play… Indoor concerts have no wind, so I can turn the music without worry, unless I drop it. lol

  • Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 7pm at UW-Parkside combined Wind Ensemble & Community Band
  • Tuesday, October 11, 2024 at 7pm at Park High with Walden High School & Racine Concert Band
  • Thursday, December 5, 2024 at 7pm at UW-Parkside combined Wind Ensemble & Community Band
  • Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 7pm at Park High School with Park bands & Racine Concert Band
  • Saturday, December 14, 2024 at 7pm at Carthage College for “A Kenosha Pops Christmas”
  • Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 7pm at Horlick High School bands & Racine Concert Band
  • Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 7pm at the UW-Parkside Rita Tallent Picken Center
  • Thursday, May 8, 2025 at 7pm at UW-Parkside The Rita
  • Thursday, May 22, 2025 at 7pm at Case High School Bands & Racine Concert Band

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Blogophilia 7.16: Writer’s Choice!! Winning Position

This is Week 7 in Year 16 of Blogophilia! Come one, come all – it’s Writer’s Choice week! YOU pick the topic, YOU pick the bonus prompts and use the picture provided or get inspired by your own! The freedom is yours!

Blogophilia group on Facebook HERE

Blog topic parameters & how it works HERE

Hard Bonus: WRITER’S CHOICE – Fallen

Easy Bonus: WRITER’S CHOICE – victory


My hope for you all is to be in a Winning Position. It seems like everything is set up for so many to be fallen from the face of the earth & tripping through everything. It’s not a funny joke to laugh at those struggling… Kings & Queens of days of yore wanted to rule with iron fists, and why did we turn from that then, just to be told it’s human nature to get power? *sigh* no, don’t tell people to know their roles… It’s time we’re on our path to victory, whether that’s personal, economical or whatever…

Last concert of the season for the Racine Concert Band – tonight at 7 at the Racine Zoo. Off season concerts will happen throughout the season, in conjunction with 4 of our high schools: Walden, Park, Horlick, and Case. Stay tuned.

UW-Parkside concerts will resume in October, December, March & May.

Kenosha Pops will host a Christmas concert in the middle of December.

I’ll probably be better enough to play in the December concerts, but I’m hoping to be ok enough to do the October ones… rehearsals for Racine are usually close to the concert but Parkside begins in September. Rotator cuff surgery is 8/28.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Blogophilia 6.16 – Wildflowers

Blogophilia group on Facebook HERE

Blog topic parameters & how it works Over Here

Hard Bonus: Incorporate a Carl Sandberg line or quote

Easy Bonus: Mention the colors red, blue, and green

Colors of the Valley

Wildflowers are to the valleys, as waves are to the ocean. They’re unstoppable. Both have flowers or fish of red, blue & green. Nature pulls off what we cannot… “There is an eagle in me that wants to soar, and there is a hippopotamus in me that wants to wallow in the mud
― Carl Sandburg

Today was stressful… At least we got to work ok, but then the car wouldn’t start after my son gassed it up, and we had issues with that yesterday. The hotter it is, the more it doesn’t want to start. I took the bus home, and because it took me longer than 7 minutes to punch out & get to the bus stop, I ended up having to wait 50 minutes for the next one & got home 2 & 1/2 hours later… ugh. At least I made it. Mike was able to figure out how to start the car after he got done to get it home. I found a ride to my concert… One left next week…

We want YOU, to be here, at the Racine Zoo, for the Racine Concert Band show. 7pm on Sunday 8/11/24. Be there or be square. Admission is free. Gates open at 6:30 at the west entrance on Main at Walton or on the north at Augusta.