Sunday, August 25, 2024

Blogophilia 9.16: Friendship Karma

Martien Ecrits Blogophilia group on Facebook HERE

Blog topic parameters & how it works Right Here

A word from Marvin Martian: This is Week 9 in Year 16 of Blogophilia! August is coming to a close, and soon it’ll be time to break out all things pumpkin spice, HA! This week, friendship is the topic – what does friendship mean to you and how important is it in your life?

Hard Bonus: Mention the law of opportunity costs

Easy Bonus: Include a lyric by the group Roxette

Dance Scene

Friendship Karma – what you sew can be what you reap. We all have our personal styles, and I appreciate all people genuine. I don’t get to talk to a lot of people, but I appreciate all of them. Some are really outgoing, others are more reserved, some are funny & serious. For these people, I’m forever grateful. I just can’t be around those who zap energy or use people. I need that energy & those resources for myself & my immediate household. The law of increasing opportunity cost is and economic principle that describes how the cost of choosing one use over another increases as resources are applied. If the people who actually owed me paid me over the course of a lifetime, it would add up to probably be worth 3 or 4 years worth of what I’m guaranteed at my current job (I’m on 6 hours a week, pick up what I can, as I can, as available). So, with the 6x52xpay minimum of $5G/year – from the lady who was a single mom & needed a sitter (I really cared about those kids) & stiffed me by a LOT… the couple of people who would take money out of my wallet (one was a family member, another was one I was nice enough to let him sleep on the couch), a supposed 22 year Navy veteran who took advantage of when we were still unpacking at our house… Maybe I actually could have paid for the vacation I wanted plus put in a 3/4 shower in my basement… But, it’s done, over, time to move on…

In the words of Roxette from the Look Sharp album, DangerousGet out of my way! Get out of my sight! I won’t be walking on thin ice to get through the night. It takes a lot to make changes, walk away from toxic people, especially when the behaviors are ingrained, etc. It’s not easy but I’m glad. 🙂 It’s good to be a little bit dangerous sometimes. 😉

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