Sunday, August 4, 2024

Blogophilia 6.16 – Wildflowers

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Hard Bonus: Incorporate a Carl Sandberg line or quote

Easy Bonus: Mention the colors red, blue, and green

Colors of the Valley

Wildflowers are to the valleys, as waves are to the ocean. They’re unstoppable. Both have flowers or fish of red, blue & green. Nature pulls off what we cannot… “There is an eagle in me that wants to soar, and there is a hippopotamus in me that wants to wallow in the mud
― Carl Sandburg

Today was stressful… At least we got to work ok, but then the car wouldn’t start after my son gassed it up, and we had issues with that yesterday. The hotter it is, the more it doesn’t want to start. I took the bus home, and because it took me longer than 7 minutes to punch out & get to the bus stop, I ended up having to wait 50 minutes for the next one & got home 2 & 1/2 hours later… ugh. At least I made it. Mike was able to figure out how to start the car after he got done to get it home. I found a ride to my concert… One left next week…

We want YOU, to be here, at the Racine Zoo, for the Racine Concert Band show. 7pm on Sunday 8/11/24. Be there or be square. Admission is free. Gates open at 6:30 at the west entrance on Main at Walton or on the north at Augusta.

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