Sunday, June 23, 2024

Blogophilia 52.15: The Universe Has Spoken

Listen up, Earthlings! The Universe has spoken. What is it saying to you, or how is it guiding you? Come share your thoughts and writes at Blogophilia, the place for blogging, fun and friendship! ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒŽ๐Ÿ’ซ

Blogophilia group on Facebook OVER HERE

Blog topic parameters & how it works HERE

Hard Bonus: Incorporate a lyric by Bon Jovi

Easy Bonus: Include a German proverb

Where is my phone? Earbuds? Keys? I need coffee…

I realize The Universe Has Spoken, probably several times, and maybe I’ve missed it, or didn’t understand, or maybe haters tried to cover it up… But sometimes you just have to follow your heart, and go with it. Even if you fail, you can rest that at least you tried. Some of us aren’t meant to be fully domesticated. I like this German proverb: “Anfangen ist leicht, Beharren eine Kunst” Literal translation: “Starting is easy, persistence is an art.” Sometimes persisting can be insanity, especially if going where the road seems to tell you to go somewhere else. Other times, its all about finding out what’s on the other side of the wall. So I was told by some that there’s no future in music… I beg to differ. I now play in 3 groups, two of them pay. Wild, wild is the wind – That blows through my heart – Bon Jovi “Wild Is The Wind” New Jersey Album. It might not be a lot, and some of it was timing, that I was in the right spot at the right time. However it is, I’m doing it. ๐Ÿ™‚

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Family is the heart’s homeland

Blogophilia group on Facebook right HERE

Blog topic paramaters & how it works over HERE

Hard Bonus: Say something in French, Italian or both languages
Easy Bonus: Include a bottle of fine wine

Or Rome?

If I could choose to go to Paris or Rome, I’d choose Rome, and take my son with, just so we could get into Sicily since my son is a quarter Sicilian on his dad’s side, and his favorite food is Italian. We were able to go to Japan back in 2016. It would be cool… But then Paris would be neat, since Mike is a little French – it would make the best Father’s Day gift.

I’m not sure if I’m doing this holiday right… I never had a relationship with my own father, and when it was my 1st stepfather, we didn’t have much money, and by the time we got to my 2nd, I was already grown… When I got to my son’s dad, well, he is a cook/chef, and could pull off something like Italian lemon chicken on the grill – and I couldn’t pick out tools for him… I’ve had a lot of experience with Il n’est pas de pire sourd que celui qui ne veut รฉcouter (No one is as deaf as the one who does not want to listen – French) – which is why they’re in my past, among other people.

Since Mike has been here doing the dad things like fixing my son’s car, doing some guy things together, etc… I got him a small gadget that doesn’t take up a lot of room (we’re trying to downsize) – it’s a milk frothier, not that we do lattes, but on occasion, we like mocha, and he asked for sarma (Eastern European cabbage rolls). And it’s fun to experiment with whipping powdered Japanese tea. Even though he’s never had his own biological children, he says “the meaning of life is raising children” – 5 step children previous, a certain point with 3 grandchildren, then with mine… La famiglia รจ la patria del cuore (Family is the heart’s homeland – Italian).

So, now, the question is, since we’re using ground pork in our rolls, do we go with a Frappato (red Italian) or a Pinot Grigio (white French)? I guess we’ll have to see if we want to crack open something sitting around or not when the time comes…

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Blogophilia 50.15: Sage Advice

Blogophilia Facebook group right over here

Blog topic parameters & how it works HERE

Hard Bonus: Incorporate a song title from Johnnie Mathis

Easy Bonus: Run away from home (or include someone running away from home)

Here is some Sage Advice that my maternal grandmother always used to tell me: Always be an explorer, you’ll never know what you like until you try it. My maternal grandfather: don’t take too much, you can take more later or save some for tomorrow.

As a child, many referred to me as kazenoko (kah-zeh-no-coe), meaning “child of the wind” because I always loved being outside in the open air, and the weather never daunted me. I think it affected my personality, too, because my mother implied that I’m as Wild Is the Wind (1957) – her & I constantly clashed. There were so many times that it was either leave, or I’m sure I’d have gotten arrested… While it would have been nice to have run off to a farm to learn how to grow food, I always ran away to my Aunt Judy’s, who literally was my fairy godmother. I am sad to announce that she passed away Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at about 5:15pm – about 3 hours after my son & I visited her. I’m glad we were able to se her one last time, and I shared life stories with her, my cousin & my son, even got laughs, and thanked her. It was also my mother’s 77th birthday, but I haven’t spoken to her in 8 years (she lives halfway across the country anyway).

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Blogophilia 49.15: Psychic

Blog topic parameters RIGHT HERE

Blogophilia Facebook group HERE

Are you a fortune teller or psychic? (NOT psycho, but you can write about that too LOL.)

Hard Bonus: Use a lyric from The Guess Who

Easy Bonus: Incorporate the word nefarious

We just want to take this opportunity to thank ALL of our Blogophilian friends for joining in the challenges each week! WE APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH! And to former Blogo writers, we sincerely invite ALL of you to return to Blogophilia and write with us again – we miss reading your amazing writes. Remember that it’s never too late to start writing again!!

Your destiny is waiting for you!

I don’t know what to make of Psychics. A lot of them who utilize the 900 phone lines seem to be a bit psycho, and usually incorrect. I do think there are people blessed with special powers though. Growing up, I always seemed to know if someone died. I remember when my great grandmother (maternal/maternal) did. I’d only met her 2 or 3 times, and only vaguely remember the last time (I think I was about 6?) But we were back in Japan, and I think I was 7, maybe almost 8, and I’d announced she passed. My mother was angry with me as to why I’d say something like that, and I said she’d gone at whatever time it was, and lo & behold, about a week or so later, my mother gets a letter from my grandmother that her mom passed on the date & approximate time that I’d announced it… She couldn’t understand how I knew. When my great grandfather (maternal/paternal) passed, I knew then, too, and instead of announcing it, I ended up just asking if he was ok, insisted that someone call my great grandmother, and found out he’d passed. Again, people wondered how I knew something was urgent. A classmate of mine had bone cancer in high school. While hopeful, we knew it was bleak. Once during a clarinet choir rehearsal to go to a state competition, I dropped my mouthpiece & it broke (10:23 AM). I had this sinking feeling, all the way down to the bottom of my gut, I just knew, and I gasped his name out loud. A little bit later, an announcement came over the loud speaker stating that he’d passed away at 10:23. It’s spooky when you’re young… I wish I weren’t so afraid of it. I don’t seem to get these vibes much anymore.

The Guess Who: The Future Is What It Used To Be Album 2018 Haunted

I’m haunted
Haunted by your voice from the other side
From the other side
I’m haunted
I can feel the light burning inside of me
Inside of me

I’m not a nefarious person, though I literally have 0 tolerance for BS & stupidity… I used to be so much more patient, and I just don’t have it anymore, though with children, special needs, elderly, etc. I can be very patient. As a college student, a casual friend took me to see this elderly guy, who was a psychic. There was another gal too, and we came in, he acknowledges my friend, the other gal, and he sees me, is happily surprised, and blurts out that I have some gifts. He’d offered to help me hone my skills but I never got to talk to him. On the way to checking into the nearest theme park, we decided to stay overnight in a hotel, but being unfamiliar with the area, I’d said there would be one straight up the road on the left – maybe a few miles, making it close to the theme park. I wasn’t sure if that was just good instinct or what, but there it was, the only motel in that area.

I guess maybe sometimes it’s difficult to know if it’s really a psychic experience or a strong 6th sense. Just know that I do not see dead people, though I think I’ve seen apparitions. Maybe I’m psycho, I don’t know…