Sunday, June 9, 2024

Blogophilia 50.15: Sage Advice

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Hard Bonus: Incorporate a song title from Johnnie Mathis

Easy Bonus: Run away from home (or include someone running away from home)

Here is some Sage Advice that my maternal grandmother always used to tell me: Always be an explorer, you’ll never know what you like until you try it. My maternal grandfather: don’t take too much, you can take more later or save some for tomorrow.

As a child, many referred to me as kazenoko (kah-zeh-no-coe), meaning “child of the wind” because I always loved being outside in the open air, and the weather never daunted me. I think it affected my personality, too, because my mother implied that I’m as Wild Is the Wind (1957) – her & I constantly clashed. There were so many times that it was either leave, or I’m sure I’d have gotten arrested… While it would have been nice to have run off to a farm to learn how to grow food, I always ran away to my Aunt Judy’s, who literally was my fairy godmother. I am sad to announce that she passed away Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at about 5:15pm – about 3 hours after my son & I visited her. I’m glad we were able to se her one last time, and I shared life stories with her, my cousin & my son, even got laughs, and thanked her. It was also my mother’s 77th birthday, but I haven’t spoken to her in 8 years (she lives halfway across the country anyway).

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