Sunday, June 16, 2024

Family is the heart’s homeland

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Hard Bonus: Say something in French, Italian or both languages
Easy Bonus: Include a bottle of fine wine

Or Rome?

If I could choose to go to Paris or Rome, I’d choose Rome, and take my son with, just so we could get into Sicily since my son is a quarter Sicilian on his dad’s side, and his favorite food is Italian. We were able to go to Japan back in 2016. It would be cool… But then Paris would be neat, since Mike is a little French – it would make the best Father’s Day gift.

I’m not sure if I’m doing this holiday right… I never had a relationship with my own father, and when it was my 1st stepfather, we didn’t have much money, and by the time we got to my 2nd, I was already grown… When I got to my son’s dad, well, he is a cook/chef, and could pull off something like Italian lemon chicken on the grill – and I couldn’t pick out tools for him… I’ve had a lot of experience with Il n’est pas de pire sourd que celui qui ne veut écouter (No one is as deaf as the one who does not want to listen – French) – which is why they’re in my past, among other people.

Since Mike has been here doing the dad things like fixing my son’s car, doing some guy things together, etc… I got him a small gadget that doesn’t take up a lot of room (we’re trying to downsize) – it’s a milk frothier, not that we do lattes, but on occasion, we like mocha, and he asked for sarma (Eastern European cabbage rolls). And it’s fun to experiment with whipping powdered Japanese tea. Even though he’s never had his own biological children, he says “the meaning of life is raising children” – 5 step children previous, a certain point with 3 grandchildren, then with mine… La famiglia è la patria del cuore (Family is the heart’s homeland – Italian).

So, now, the question is, since we’re using ground pork in our rolls, do we go with a Frappato (red Italian) or a Pinot Grigio (white French)? I guess we’ll have to see if we want to crack open something sitting around or not when the time comes…

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