Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Results: Wisconsin... Laments and more.

The election is over. On one hand I'm relieved, because my schedule will calm down and such. I voted, and felt good about it, and I was pleased to see a lot of people voting. I wasn't feeling well, and against better judgment, went to check out what was going on anyway.

I don't get our country... it's crazy, really. After 8 years of Bush and all of his failed economic policies that are now being blamed on Obama, just because he's in office... Look here at this article from Care2. I know it's too late to look at it BEFORE the election since it's over, look at it as more as an after the fact FYI: Everything You Knew Was Wrong! Click the link, you'll find out that 1) Obama did NOT double the deficit, he reduced it. 2) Obama reduced taxes, and 40% of the stimulus was wasted on tax cuts, which actually hurt the economy. 3) Just remember, the "Bank Bailout" was a Bush thing, NOT an Obama thing. 4) The stimulus worked, just not as much as we'd hoped. 5) Businesses don't need more money to hire, as hiring staff meets equilibrium w/ demand... 6) The health care bill will actually SAVE money. 7) Social Security runs a surplus. 8) Just remember, the Government IS We, The People. Money spent is money for us. Go read the article. You know you want to.

Back to the election results... anyway. We lost 4 democrats in the Wisconsin State Senate. The State Assembly looks about the same. On the US level, we lost some and gained some. In the House, Republicans took over. I'm bummed, but what am I going to do? I can't change the results. So I must move on, but not before I celebrate some, and mourn others.

Scott Walker (R) was victorious over Tom Barrett (D). I kind of figured, because people bought into Milwaukee Mayor Barrett as being worse than former Governor Jim Doyle (D). Because we have a democratic president, it seems as if states will try to go for republican governors. It just seems norm for the par... but just doesn't make sense. We've had 8 years of Bush, it's not like Obama can make the necessary changes in 2 years.

Ron Johnson (R) defeated incumbent Russ Feingold(D). This is actually too sad... to me it seems that Feingold is the best. He crossed party lines to vote against NAFTA, and is independent enough to stand his own ground. I will most certainly miss him, and Russ, don't be a stranger. Ron Johnson, just upon winning the election, starts laying into "stopping spending away from the hands of the enemy"... I am part of the new constituency, and now so are the former members of the 'enemy party', and we are all part of the hiring staff now. Ron Johnson, I'm one constituent that's watching you. You run a successful small business, so I'm expecting you to run the State of Wisconsin to success. And unlike your business, you work for us, not the other way around.

Paul Ryan (R) won Wisconsin's 1st Congressional District as expected, he's well known throughout the country, and is also the incumbent. For an unknown, small budget & being an underdog though, I must give John Heckenlively a big huge kudo for gaining over 30% of the vote. Great job for giving him Heck!

On the state level, we lost Senator John Lehman (D), an incumbent to the cause, to Van Wangaard (R). If people remember, Senator Lehman helped author April's Law Wisconsin, so now I'm hoping to be able to get a last minute appointment with Van Wangaard to get him to sponsor April's Law to the Wisconsin senate. I've worked too hard to get this going just to not try to get a bipartisan support on this issue. Plus pushing the safety of our children to protect our most precious against sex predators on and off line should not be about party politics. Thank you Senator Lehman for almost a quarter century of hard work... I will miss working with you immensely. Senator elect Wangaard, I am a vocal constituent... I hope you're ready.

While I'll miss those who are now moved on, here is something on a more positive note. Representative Cory Mason, the other one who authored April's Law has won, keeping his seat. It comforts me that April's Law will be introduced in January in the State Assembly. I'm hoping that it will be a low number, but you'll be hearing from me in January about the fact that Cory Mason will be an official sponsor of April's Law Wisconsin, and hopefully I can get others from Racine on that list. Thanks and congrats to Cory Mason! Just to let you know, Representative Mason has had the cleanest campaign ever, w/o over whelming anyone. and I'm so very thankful for that also. I'd also like to thank Anthony DeCubellis (L) for running, and taking time to listen to the issues that are important to me. I'm hoping someday, he will run again, maybe for a spot that doesn't have quite the competition.

Out of my district, but just as important, Representative Bob Turner (D) & Representative Robin Vos (R) have won their seats back. They are already supportive toward April's Law, so I'd like to thank them for the support to protect our children, and also that we work together to push this through. Congrats to both and a huge thank you for supporting April's Law.

There were other spots too, but, these were the ones that were most near and dear to me, so I'm sticking with these. Before I look to the next election in 2 years, I need to look to this January to get April's Law passed... by any means necessary. I'm hoping I can work with both parties.

In the mean time, please keep signing the petition to push April's Law Wisconsin, so when it comes to the legislative vote, Wisconsin politicians know that we support protecting our children. Don't forget to also sign the federal April's Law Petition, because we are nearing the time where I'll start talking to our federal people about pushing this on the national level, where we may need it most. Remember, this isn't for me, it's for the children.

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