Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Dog House

The Dog House - it's a cute video. Please view it, and stay out of the dog house this season.

Christmas time is coming up, and we all have feelings of warmth, friends, family, a quiet meal or a huge banquet, and even if it's a bit of work, we endure the extra little bit of stress because it's exciting. We enjoy what the season means, and we always are celebrating.

But just remember, too often, during the holiday season, people living in an abusive situation end up with escalated abuse, because the stress comes up that high. When this happens, the victims end up in the hospital, and rather than enjoy a family holiday, they endure a nightmarish ordeal. Abuse doesn't take off for a holiday. Please take a moment to sign the petitions, just to take one little step in helping to end the torture.

The first is to help stop child sex predators on and off line. There is a federal and a state version, please sign both. The next is one to help get equity of services for our abused men, because there is little there to nothing out there. The petition is named after a toddler who died at the hands of his mother. So here we go! Please click the links below, which are highlighted.

Federal April's Law Petition

State April's Law Version

Sean's Voice Petition

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