Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Importance of Being Involved in the Community

We need YOU, to be bold and care.

There are a lot of people struggling with this poor economy, bad weather, and more. And while it's true that many people are in dire need of a paid job, but, just remember, a blank spot in your employment can hurt you rather than help you. Plus, helping out in the community helps you feel good. When you feel good, you infect happiness to others. So please pay it forward now, to get the positivity circle going.

We all know that abuse exists, and especially that child abuse exists. For many of us, the topic is depressing, so people want to step away from it. In the mean time, while people are walking away, children are dying from the abuse because they just can't take it anymore.

And when the economy is bad, and money stresses out the abusers, the violence escalates. Then of course the warmer weather seems to bring out the worst as well. Youth Voice Initiative is the only 501c4 to combat child abuse sponsored by a mom, a person who cares about ALL children. The other is a federal program, not run by we the people.

So, won't you consider being part of the action team? You don't need to be a lobbyist, or a big name. We just need people like you, who care. There are opportunities such as copy/paste petition links into emails and sending it to your friends... Or to help call legislators and get them on board, and yes, I'll keep you posted on that. There is also need for web designers to redo the website, as well as to do events and fundraisers to keep the official website going, and to travel to the State House and back... Or just to donate some special items such as ink and/or paper...

By being involved, you are helping to make the future a brighter place for those who need it the most. And even if you decide NOT to volunteer with YVI, please find a worthy cause to donate your time to. We are looking for board members as well, so please contact us to find out what you can do, and just remember, you're not just helping the abused children, but you're also boosting your resume' as well.
You can email, and subject should say YVI or Youth Voice Initiative so I know the importance of your inquiry.

National Night Out - 8/7/12

On Tuesday, August 7, 2012 is National Night Out. Please do an event to get to know your neighbors, and it's a great way to get the people on your block to come out and have a cookout for neighborhood fun.
My block will have an acoustic band, an outdoor pot luck, swimming, fire pit, and a whole lot of fun. Please host one for yours too! It's not to difficult, and worth the effort. If you don't do one, go to your friends, family or neighborhood community center or church, if they're having one.

If you don't mind, please mention Youth Voice Initiative - a non profit to protect abused children. Maybe talk about April's Law to put stiffer punishments on those who sexually prey on our children on and off line. Then there is Sean's Voice, a two year old boy who died at the hands of his mother, and his father was also abused and arrested for being a victim of a mad woman. In memory of baby Sean, we are pushing for equity in emergency shelter, support and services for our abused men, so that we can turn victimization into survivor status. It's time to thrive.

Thank you in advance for your support, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Why you? Why not?

April's Law -

Federal Petition: 

 State petition:

Sean's Voice -

Federal petition:


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