Friday, September 14, 2012

Paul Ryan 4 Smaller Government; Governing Against Civil Rights

Too many kettles, not enough stove time

The events of the last couple years has been VERY interesting. Really. Wisconsin is a hot spot for a lot of politics.
One thing that seems peculiar, that Paul Ryan has spent over $2 million in ads for his run for the 1st Congressional District Representative. That's a LOT of money. Yet he took the opportunity to run for vice president. The odd thing is, he has been rarely seen in his 1st congressional district offices, here in Racine, Kenosha, and some of the other surrounding areas that he represents.
One ad in particular, he's sitting in a classroom type setting, talking to people of various voting groups, such as a parent, teacher, etc. talking about how he believes in smaller government, and how the government should not be dictating so much that affects our personal lives. Really!?! That's interesting. It's so interesting, in fact, because he is the one that wants to make abortion 100% illegal. When asked about a rape victim who may want to have access to one, for her own mental health, he just states, "If it's illegal, it's illegal". Seriously? Rape is illegal, and rather than being worried about making sure rapists get their due justice with hard times (but then again, government is intruding on our personal rights now, aren't they)? Instead, he talks about if abortion is illegal, than that's just too bad for the rape victim. So. The rapist goes free. The victim has now been socially labelled, because say she is 16 or unwed. Society will pass the judgment against her that she is irresponsible, for not waiting until there is stability. Then the fact that *IF* she speaks up as a victim, they will most definitely see her in a different light, and still be discriminated against. Then, the financial part, because now she may need medicaid to have her care, and tax payers have to pay for it.
So, you see, in Paul Ryan's eyes, it's not the rapist who is the criminal. You do the math. Rape victims who end up pregnant use up too many resources and money, that they are the real perpetrators.
Mind you, the current statistic is that about 5% of all unprotected sex results in a pregnancy. Which means, it's 5%, across the board. 5% of rape victims, who will ultimately be blamed for her own pregnancy, even though we all know that women can't make ourselves pregnant.
This goes beyond just abortion rights and rape victims. What about the woman's health? Just letting people know, that while there aren't any hard facts yet, the consensus is, if the mother dies in some manner, unless it's during full term childbirth, the likelihood that her unborn will also die is pretty high. And also, I'd like to point out, we are ALL anti-abortion. It's just that thinking people are pro-choice. Choice means you can pick from 2 or more options. Not get told that there are limited options. So, until we can stop victimizing the victims further, we MUST go after the real perps. And this time, Ryan is the perv that wants to tell crime victims that their options should be illegal.
So again, I remind you, that Paul Ryan is running on the premise that big government is bad, and that's what is making us go bankrupt, corrupt and what ever else wrong for personal goals. Again, really. So why is it that he wants to ban same sex marriage? Didn't he just say that big government needs to stay out of our personal lives? Or maybe he's Lyin' Ryan.
Whether you support same sex marriage or not, it's NOT the point. If you're not the one participating in that commitment, you don't have a say as to what goes on. We would never tell a white woman that she can't marry an Asian man, would we? We would never tell a Hispanic man he can't marry a black woman, would we? So why would you tell a man or a woman that they have to marry the opposite gender or forget it? It's NOT about you, it's about them! As for taking anything away, I would like to ask, how is YOUR marriage, whether it's your first or fifth, any less sacred, because we have same sex marriage?
Yet again, you do the math. Never mind that same sex unions still pay the same fees to the courthouse, and may be able to pool money together for better property to pay taxes on, and make those larger investments to increase not only their own bottom line, but also by having a larger tax base, the government's too, so that everyone's taxes will go down by sharing the burden. No. It's about the fact that the benefits package will be less expensive as a couple, rather than 2 individuals, and that some how adds to the extra cost of things, if you ask Mr. Paul Ryan.
To further make against Ryan, now that he's been actively campaigning as Veep, and spending $2 mil on his Wisconsin Congressional seat, he's been MIA here to represent the people of S.E. Wisconsin, to which he is getting paid to do. Since he is nowhere to be seen on the home front, maybe we need the CIA to contact the FBI to investigate a missing person? Oh, wait. He's running as a vice prez. So maybe we should be fact checkers to see how wrong he is, not just for Wisconsin, but for the whole United States.

An FYI...

The collective bargaining bill that Scot Walker (and Paul Ryan supported as a fellow republican) signed, has been struck down. Too bad for Paul Ryan, that he couldn't use his federal pull to keep that in place, and the governor he so much admires took a loss with this decision.
Here is the link:

Rob Zerban for Congress!

Rob Zerban, a political newbie, is here to compete against Paul Ryan. I urge you to find out more about him and vote him into office.

What do YOU think?

Where would you like to see Paul Ryan serve his term?

  • Vice President
  • Congressman
  • Neither, go home!

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