Wednesday, June 19, 2013

On The Bookshelf: Blogophilia 17.6

Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts):   Incorporate a song title by Prince
(Easy, 1 pt):  Include a drink made with vodka

As a pauper, I would often take the bus places.  Sometimes buses would go missing, so rather than the 20-30 minutes to the next bus, I'd have an hour to kill.  Then I'd walk over to the coffee house which doubled as a used bookstore and mini library with many intellectual reads.  All too often, I'd lose the time, forget that I was supposed to be somewhere, and end up walking home after bus hours ended.

While in the Coffee House Book Shop, I'd order my double mocha, often wishing that it was a Cosmopolitan that was being sipped on at a sophisticated sky rise in Tokyo.  While I was finding a seat, I looked up on the wall, and thought, "I am NOT insane!  I think I'm seeing the poster from 'The David' promoting that book club event featuring Charles Dickens books and Batman impersonators"!  I walk up to check it out, and sure enough, it's going to be the real deal of an event.  Then, looking through the books, I remembered that Kim wanted me to find something On the Bookshelf.  But what did she want me to find?  I'm sure it was a book...

I scroll across and up and down the shelf.  Then I saw a book that brought me back to my childhood...  Oliver Twist.  My 6th grade class performed that as a musical.  I wasn't interested in playing dress up in the dated dresses and clothing, so I opted to play in the practice band, though for the shows, a different group was brought in, to make the show extra special.  I enjoyed watching from the audience.  I finally sit down, and start to read the book.  I take a sip of my coffee, and damn, it's as cold as a Bloody Mary.  Before I know it, it's 7pm, and it's time to close up shop.

It's getting dark, and I missed missed my appointment at the Attorney's Office, and the last bus is gone...  As the sun sets behind the buildings, there is a chill in the air, and I so wish that I had a Little Red Corvette to drive home in...

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