Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pro-life, pro-choice, or non-sense?

Previous rant(s):

It's the trifecta!  And the saga continues again.  Yes, more craziness rants from a mad-woman.  As you may know, I'm a fierce advocate for the abused.  Especially for abused children.  All too often, the parent(s), guardian(s), extended relative(s), etc get a slap on the wrist, because either it's not considered a harsh enough trauma on the child, or that because as a society, we still consider children a property of their parent or legal guardian.  Until that child dies, it's like it doesn't matter if an abusive parent gets 6 months probation, or 10 years for raping 4 children.

A couple of weeks ago, the Governor signed into law the tighter law, that is still not quite as strong as Arizona, but, as for Wisconsin, a much more restrictive anti-abortion law, that all of those who are going to get consult for an abortion would have to be subjugated to a transvaginal ultrasound and the doctors would have to have some sort of right to have hospital rights, or they would have to close down their clinics.  This would affect tons of Planned Parenthood clinics, even those which don't necessarily perform the abortions on site.

Now, don't get me wrong.  I get it.  In a perfect world, there would be no need for an abortion.  At all.  But this is NOT a perfect world.  The real world has a lot of gray, and there may be more than one right answer.  Or, more than one wrong answer.

I don't know how others define anything, but, to give you a clue to how common sense may define things, there are categories.  And there has to be some form of sense.

Pro-abortion:  abortion on demand, no restrictions.  At all.

Pro-choice:  choice for those with special issues such as rape/incest, life/death issues of the mother, and   abuse situations.  Accepts that others will utilize the legality, and should be between them, their doctor and eventually, their maker.  Prefers to have it happen in the 1st trimester.

Pro-life:  No abortion, but will make exception to those who are in need from rape/incest and life/death issues of the mother.

Pro-birth/Anti-choice:  No abortion.  Period.  No exceptions.

I call myself pro-choice.  Because I am.   I've had discussions with some of those radicals, one who insisted that the unborn is a parasite, so abortion should be legal up until birth.  I found that argument quite disturbing, because seriously?  The person made it sound like it's no big deal, and that parasites don't have rights, etc.  I have to disagree, because if a premature baby is born 4 months early, and is healthy, why would one abort at 5 months gestation, knowing that, that unborn is a viable life, that if that were to be born, you'd have a living, breathing baby who is full capable of living outside the womb.  So no, I do not agree with the abortion on demand, w/o any consequence.

On the other hand, those who are pro-birth are NOT making sense with their anti-choice theory.  Because I disagree with these people, and I try to understand where they come from.  But, how do I understand where they come from, when they say that there should be NO choice, because to them, it's murdering a baby.  Hate to tell them.  It's not fully a baby until it's capable of being born and viable.  Before then, it's a fetus.  I get called every name under the clouds, being told that I'm no child advocate, that I'm terrible because I "allow" babies to die.  Or that there are enough medical advances that we don't have to worry about the woman dying so that isn't an issue.  And a rape victim, even with PTSD, should just go get counseling to deal with it and have her baby.  If she really can't deal with it, adopt that baby out.

There are so many flaws with this.  First off, counseling is very expensive.  Sometimes only covered 50%.  It's not like we have money to pay for these services.  and if we don't have insurance?  Then what?  So not only is it the rape victim's problem, but now she can't get help paying for the counseling?  So, it's okay to abuse her, but we better not inflict sex abuse on others?  It's this type of thought that actually helps perpetuate more abuse.  And then who pays for the prenatal care, and the stay in the hospital?  The raped mother to be?  Or do we subjegate her with more trauma to have to see her rapist who pays the bills, because we STILL live in a world where rape is not only under reported, but is also not prosecuted because there is still a LOT of victim blaming.  We still talk about how "anyone can cry rape".  This makes it difficult for rape victims to be believed.  Plus, some women can handle more than others.  No one should have to go through this alone.

How about health issues?  What, so if a woman has ovarian or cervical cancer, and it's in it's aggressive stages, what, that we have enough advancements in medicine?  No.  The very treatment to kill the cancer is the very treatment that will be killing the unborn baby.  Chemo and radiation target fast growing cells.  Embryos, cancerous tumors, fetuses, cells, etc...  the treatment can't really distinguish too much between the two.  All of these are targeted, because they don't know the difference.  Only the difference between normal cells and fast growing cells.  So, if she were to accept the treatment, she'd have to have the abortion, which would be more humane than to burn the unborn up with chemicals like this.  If she doesn't accept it, she may be writing her own death sentence.

When it's an incest issue, there could be congenital problems.  So, if there is such a bad defect that this "baby" could die within hours of birth, what do you do?  Plus, the very people who are supposed to protect you are  the ones hurting you.  Unless you've been victim, you have NO idea how traumatic it is when this type of abuse gets put on you.

In all of these cases, I say it should be up to the mother.  Seriously.  If you can't deal with that, you just might be a misogynist.  Seriously.  For those who say that there should be more abortion on demand, well, you're not the humanitarian as you think.

Now, there are other issues, lets say with those who are so deathly afraid of their dad if they're pregnant, that they either have the abortion or her dad may actually kill her...  Don't dismiss this scenario.  As a former crisis worker at a shelter, I've heard these real life stories.  No.  I can't make this up.

Why am I outraged?  Planned Parenthood tries to educate our young people to practice safe sex.  Yes, they do teach abstinence.  But, if you choose to be sexually active, they give you condoms, both for male and female use.  Or there is The Pill.  Other forms of birth control.  Now, before the far right says people shouldn't have premarital sex, or that birth control is wrong, well, that's not your call to make.  Planned Parenthood will give a ton of education, to try to make sure that you have had all of the other options for you to utilize before you land on abortion.  They KNOW that you are serious.  So, the ultrasound is only going to delay the decision, not keep it within the first trimester.

Or, how about the fact that there are so many conservatives who say that they don't want to pay for welfare, yet say that these people should not have abortions?  And what if they get pregnant?  Are you saying they should starve?  Hmm.  Well, it's not anyone's business.  It's one of those deals that is a civil rights issue.  Even poor people have the right to at least have one child.  So you're going to tell a married couple NOT to have sex?  No birth control?  Ridiculous.

Anyway.  Here it is again.  We.  Need.  Employment.  Without that, violent crime such as rape and domestic violence will be at an all time high, with no place for the victim to go to.  Violent crimes cause death.  And when we can't take care of the ones that are here, why are we going to talk about abortions not being legal?  So let these babies be born, just to end up being starved and neglected to death or to be abused to the point of permanent damage?  And if you think that neglect is not so bad, think about the scene in The Breakfast Club, where Ally Sheedy's character says she's ignored by her parents...  Yeah.  It's that hurtful.

I don't want to argue.  You are free to state your case.  If I ask you questions, the proper answer is NOT to start getting mad, and start acting like a raging lunatic.  I'm asking you questions, because no, I don't know why you stand where you stand, and I'm trying to understand your view.  If you can't return the courtesy, maybe we don't need to talk.

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