Sunday, July 28, 2013

One Singular Sensation: Blogophilia 23.6

Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts):   Mention a 17th Century artwork
(Easy, 1 pt):   Incorporate an abandoned boathouse

Plane in the water, wet nose, I think I can...

I was on my way to take a vacation with my family, and we decide to sight see in the pleasant town before we head to the airport.  As we walk past the river, we come across a downed plane, and run into The David, who points out the plane in the park, stating that we need to put your nose to the grind to help everyone get to safety off of the plane in the water.  The task is daunting, and I suggest a round of shots, calling out bottoms up!

As we get people to safety, and perform first aid on those who need it, the coast guard comes to deal with the wreckage.  It was a stressful time, and our savage souls needed some soothing.  Stormy Gail plays some 17th Century baroque music on her stereo.  If I recall, it's Johan Sebastian Bach.

Before you know it, people are singing and dancing.  A relief.  Doris, rejoicing with us, says this is one singular sensation we are feeling, being comrades with perfect strangers, united by an event.

Even if the situation was at it's best, with no major injury or death, I was still disturbed  by the fact that we are now late for our flight, and can't get a refund, with money paid out, and no vacation taken.  Tyler, sensing my disturbed mood, shows me an old abandoned boat house to take refuge in, and I kept thinking about that plane, wondering if it had the engine that could.

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