Sunday, August 4, 2013

Uncontrolable Laughter: Blogophilia 24.6

Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts):   Quote Lucille Ball
(Easy, 1 pt):  Include someone wearing a pink skirt doing something for cookies

As a home care worker, I got accustomed to visiting people in their homes, and watching the shows they like to watch.  Of course, most of the older ladies absolutely LOVE the "I Love Lucy" show.  As Barbara K will testify, we all fall onto the floor with uncontrolled laughter.  It's because she not only shows us what's messed up about real life, sometimes, she's so dramatic about it.  We can't help but to laugh with her on her adventures.

On the other hand though, Stormy Gail Dormire's gray cat, Clarice understands all too well that life is also serious, and we must do what we can to push forth what is right, because even cats say, "I'd rather regret the things that I've done, than the things I haven't done" Very wise cat, that Clarice.

Driving home from doing my home care job as an aide, I see someone wearing a pink skirt that resembled a girl scout, but of course not even girl scouts wear pink.  This was Kismet, who was dancing energetically by a table stacked in front of a laundromat, selling cookies for the Breast Cancer Society.  Good cause, and who doesn't like cookies?  I stop and buy some.

So I eat a couple cookies on the way home, and I'm not sure if it was because my blood sugars spiked to high, I was hallucinating, or if the cookies were laced with some kind of psychedelic drug...  Because, all of a sudden, I see this Pig in Boots, or is this some other Stomping Ground for one of the three Little Pigs who built one of those houses that got blown down by the big, bad wolf...  But here is a strange sight.

But suddenly, I realized that this was hogwash because we all know when they roll in mud, that pigs squeal and that Christopher is a real ham with his pet pig, and we already know that Miss Piggy won't get turned into moo shoo pork anytime soon. 

So I guess it wasn't a hallucination or my diabetes messing with me...  I just can't believe what a porker I can be when it comes to cookies...  Maybe I'll stop snacking on cookies when pigs fly or should I say march?

But you know, once I worked at a pumpkin farm giving tours to kids, and one of them asked me, "what's a hot dog you buy at Halloween"?  I didn't know...  but of course, the kid tells me it's a "Hallow weinie"!  *forehead slap*  Duh.  Funny, coming from a kindergartener.

Now, here is a silly song with me, Lika:

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