Thursday, August 22, 2013

Once Upon a Mid July Night

Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts):   Have something vanish into thin air
(Easy, 1 pt):  Mention olivine

It was dark.  I was trying to fall asleep, once upon a mid July night, then I practically jumped out of my skin when Ruggi came and rapped on my window, scaring my shadow off of my feet.  Since I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep, I figured I'd put my jacket on and see what was going on.

I open the window, wondering how Ruggi got up and down so fast...  I come out, and chasing as fast as I could after her.  In the moment of trying to keep up, I didn't hear the sound of the band playing classic rock...

So anyway, out of breath, I come up on a shed, which the doors had fallen off, and it had gotten repurposed to a make shift stage, and here is a jamming group, all dressed in olive green, and who called themselves Igneous.  So, Katie Sanders, who happens to be a geologist or archeologist of some kind, tells me it's a type of olivine, a type of mineral that occurs naturally.  Hmm.  Pretty good rockers.  Hey, they're Igneous Rock!  Clever name...

As I watch the slamming guitars, I recognize that the drummer is DJ Myke's kid!  How about that?  These kids can knock out the music!  As I get lost into the music, and become one with the beat, the band plays a jazz/rock fusion that just swings the guitar into awesomeness.

All of a sudden, the band disappears into thin air, taking Heather with them, and the group of Blogophilia Bloggers merges back into the mist and I can still hear Micki talking.  I find myself sprawled all over my bed, sheets and blankets strewn all over the floor...  I must have dreamed the whole thing, but I swear I was there!  I shiver with cool sweat on my skin...  Maybe that crazy kid hit me with that guitar...

Dang it all, the action wasn't real.  Now I feel like this...

p.s. To participate, click to link at the top of the blog to see the rules.  Write your own story, and don't forget to post it back into the comment at the bottom of that post, so you can be added in.

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