Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Hands of Time: Blogophilia 30.6

Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts): incorporate 2 Fleetwood Mac song titles
(Easy, 1 pt): mention 'a full moon'

The hands of time tick, and it's odd, how it seems as if time practically stands still, moving way too slow, when we are children.  Yet as we age, it goes faster and faster...  The last couple of years whizzed past me, as Doris E. will tell you...  It seems summer just started, and here we are in fall already.

Everywhere I go, I seem to be hearing that Angelo is Fleetwood Mac's booking agent, or are they some Little Lies to tell the single girls, to score by whispering sweet little lies.  Maybe I need to be a groupie to find out.

But then, maybe that would be crazy, because maybe then, I'll have to call Ghost Busters to try to vacuum up the spirits in the staircase, or maybe Ruz will make me run those stairs for training like in Rocky...  Or maybe I should just go look at The Cupboard Under the Stairs.

Or maybe just lay under the open sky, and watch the Full Moon with Irene and contemplate the meaning of life, and figure out if intelligent life on other planets really resemble Star Trek...


  1. You have your "what ifs" under control.
    You display an uncanny sense of order.
    I marvel at how your virtues extol.
    You stand you ground, never running for the border.

  2. Run for the border? Moi? Only for the authentic Mexican food.... ;p
