Saturday, June 21, 2014

Relying Local in Racine and Kenosha; Racine Rising Stars; and Offers for You!

I'm actually not sure how this all started.  But it was kind of cool.  A guy named Nick Ramsey some how got on my friends list on facebook, and started inviting me to this Family Power/Grass Roots Open Mic, down at the Racine Arts Council where they sponsor this L.I.N.K. program, which is Lonely Instruments Need Kids program, where those who cannot afford to buy or rent their stuff can take them on "loan", and after a specified time, they get to "own" the instruments, for sticking with it.  Anyone who knows me, knows how much I support music in our schools, community, family, and every aspect of life.  So, I'd like to give a huge kudo for the R.A.C. for this most awesome program!

Okay, but I digress...  So, anyway, I kept getting invited to these open mics, and I wasn't sure what to think, because I'm wondering who IS this Nick Ramsey, and why is he inviting me to these?  I wondered if he was one of the people from the poetry readings I used to do years back.  So I show up, figuring it can't hurt.  It ended up that I really didn't know or remember anybody, but, this group is a very welcoming group.  New people are greeted with warm smiles, and inviting personalities, that vary widely.  This group is actually kind of like a motley crew, because the people range from younger kids around 8ish all the way up to about our mid 60's, and it's better than Forest Gump's box of chocolates...  Not only do not know what you're going to get until you go, but, it's not going to make you gain weight!

Oh, hear, hear...  I know, what's all of this got to do with what I listed in the title?  Well, I'm not totally sure what the connection is, but, after I've become a sort-of-regular with the open mic, I get this request or something, from a guy named Nick Relylocal to support the local economy, and bring back some of the sense of community by literally, by relying local.  Anyway, at first, I thought this was the same Nick, because I hadn't caught both last names until after that, some how, but, it's kind of different and related at the same time.  While the open mic supports the creativity of our local talent, regardless of if you do music, spoken word, poetry, short stories, sing or play an instrument, etc...  It is technically a free event, but, they ask that you bring a donation to put in the pot so that the RAC gets a few dollars to help pay for the electricity, as well as bringing in a nonperishable food item to support the local food banks.  The Rely Local brings to you a whole program for various stores that range from small "mom & pop" shops to small regional store chains, to bring discounts to you.  You get a rely local card for $15.00, and you can get discounts from such a variety like casual/family/fine dining, various services for your car including oil change, car wash, repairs, etc...  as well as clothing shops of sorts, certain types of health care such as acupuncture and massage, child care, bakeries, and so much more...  There is potentially enough savings in a FULL calendar year to save a thousand dollars, if you choose to use the card to your advantage.  You can even go to the site and get coupons for featured businesses, also, to save even more.  It's really a neat program, and they even have an area on their website for local jobs!  Cool, isn't it?  So, not only are you helping the person you buy the card from, you're also helping yourself to save money at many local stores (so you can have the most unique gifts to give, too), AND, you're stimulating the local economy by spending money here in your home town, rather than having large corporations make money for their CEOs.

And the thing is, it's not just them, and I do think that this rely local program is pretty awesome, without having to rely on our governor or president to write a jobs bill in order.  But here is another network (and hey, bonus being a local one) called Racine Rising Stars that is a network to help professionals and businesses working together for the betterment of the community by connecting diverse people to employers.  I had come upon them accidentally, while shopping at a Piggly Wiggly for my elderly client, and they were supporting a food drive for the Racine food bank.  What seems neat about R.R.S. is that they are getting people together by bringing the businesses to the people and people to the businesses for potential jobs as well as advertising in the very community where we reside.  I am still learning about this group, but, I really do think it has the potential to help everybody.

With more activity locally, I am hoping that I can expand my own cause, Youth Voice Initiative, a social welfare nonprofit, to push for social change and stiffer punishments on those who abuse our children.  All too often, people don't want to get involved, and these children are subject to more abuse, because the closer the perpetrator of the abuse is, the easier the punishment, although it is the most damaging when those who are supposed to love and protect you as children are the very people that are hurting you.  YVI wants to educate the judicial branch as well as the legislative branch that this type of ease on perpetrators is wrong, and that the children really need protection.  We have seen too much leniency, sometimes with repeat offenders, and sad thing is, childhood abuse can lead to PTSD and suicidal tendencies at a higher rate than the general population.  So, with more of my involvement in these groups, I am hoping to be able to form a solid group of people who stand together for the benefit of our children locally all the way through to nationally.

Oh, and you know that I can't forget, it's not just my a cause for children that I'm offering you, but I also have these items: 

Darth Vader - learning interactiveDarth Vader - learning interactive

Batteries needed.  Good for math and spellingBatteries needed. Good for math and spelling

I am selling the Darth Vader keyboard for $25.00 - it can be as much as $129.95+ tax brand new.  It does need batteries.  Make an offer.

Foam flyerFoam flyer

This is one of those foam airplanes that you shoot with a hand held track, and is great for the back yard if you have a younger child who wants to learn how RCs work, but you don't want to spend that kind of money right away...  This one is for $6.00 - make an offer.

Tumble Tree TimbersTumble Tree Timbers

This is a limited edition of the Tumble Tree Timbers (similar to Lincoln Logs).  Since it is an LE, it's worth something for the collectors.  There is only 2 pieces missing, a triangle roof piece and a short timber.  Because all of the other pieces are there, it is still 98% complete, and the tin box is still in pristine condition, and the other pieces don't look used.  At $15.00, it's still a great deal!

Rely Local cardRely Local card

I have a few rely local cards that I am also selling, and I'm hoping that this appealing program appeals to you, too, and that you will buy a card from me.  It will be well worth it.  Plus, who doesn't like the cozy type stores, anyway?  Many stores in the West Racine area are participating, and there are a LOT of great stores there, too.  And, on the back, you can even scan the code on your smart phone, and you'll be able to get the list of stores and the daily deals straight to your android, so you can find what you want while you're up and around.  But please, don't snap and drive...  Wait until you can safely surf.

**********  All of the highlighted words in the blog are hyper links to the people/event/place appropriate.  Feel free to go click and look.   ***********

Please share with all of your friends here in the Racine & Kenosha areas, and I don't mind making a trip to meet you for purchasing a R.L. card!  My phone number is: 262456-4723

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