Wednesday, May 22, 2019

I can't want to like that!

Our children are funny.  They all make me laugh.  I can't count the number of times I laughed until I hurt because my son would say the damndest things, and at 19, he's STILL cracking me up.  Plus, being a boy after his mother's heart, he loves Science Fiction and the weird stuff too, so I'm going to try to get him into my friend Soldwolf's military sci-fi story, Meeting the Parents - which so far capitalizes on so many of my interests. I’m hoping to share his stuff, just because the characters are endearing, and while the hero & his betrothed are strong people who can not only steal the scenes but the show and thunder too. Plus, the more hits that are received, the better he can catch the attention of publishers who may end up helping him to get a book deal that could end up on the shelf... I’m linking my previous blogs as a reference for previous chapters published...

Anyway, I remember the time when my son was the ripe age of 2. Yes, 2. he was probably one of the easiest 2-year-olds, since he rarely threw a tantrum. I could count on less than one hand how many he had in a week, and if he had a particularly large one, I knew it would be a while before another occurred. But I digress... Poor lil guy. We did some deep house cleaning one day, and here it was 8 pm and we hadn't started cooking dinner yet, and he was patiently annoyed by the fact that he was hungry and tired. We took out a glass jar of store-bought spaghetti sauce and figured we'd doctor it up. Italian food is ultimately his favorite food to this day. So we get it on a plate, and he practically jumps into his high chair, eagerly grabs his fork & starts twirling the pasta like a champ. It goes into his mouth, and oh, the look on his face! As he's chewing, he throws his fork onto his plate. While swallowing he pushes the plate away and as soon as he catches his breath, insists, "I CAN'T WANT TO LIKE THAT" Ooh, boy!!! It was one of the better brands you can buy, yet, here is this ripe old 2 years who knows it's not the good homemade stuff and refused to have any of it! A food connoisseur at this age? Whoda thunk? Well, he's always hated Spaghetios, too. Go figure. Now, he works at a 5* restaurant.

I think my young chef would like Soldwolf's story, and in chapters 1-4 (listed in my blog I Have A Story About That) shows how a futuristic Earth would have a single conglomerate military that works in alliance with each other as opposed to individual countries being separate, which not only unites humanity but also has alliances with other humanoid species.

Going back a couple of years before my son was even born, I remember picking up my Godchild from kindergarten on a nice fall afternoon, and on the way home, he's pointing out the various trees randomly & casually stating, "Oh, look. That tree is naughty. Oh, and that one, too. Ah! That one is really naughty!"... Just to have the record straight, I asked, "Why are the trees naughty"? and braced myself... "Because the trees are BUTT-NAKED"! I about tripped over my own feet.

My Godson always loved reading active books, and I'ms sure he'd enjoy this, too, especially the hero, who is strongly focused, yet protective over his Talmanii sidekick, who keeps him balanced. In chapters 5-8, posted within Reading, Writing & Tutoring, you'll see the character development of these two.

Then there was the time when my nephew was in preschool... My sister in law and niece lived upstairs, and he'd slept over... I woke up in the morning with my niece knocking on the door to say that her cousin crapped in the driveway... Oooh-wee! And there he is, with this bewildered look, and could have played Calvin from the comic strip, Calvin & Hobbs. My sister in law was called to clean up. It still makes me giggle thinking about this.

Mind you, now, he's kind of like the barbecue master on that side of the family, and he also does yard work & flies homing pigeons as a hobby. He'd love chapters 9-12 from Interesting Tidbits just because it would be interesting for him to learn about the space adventures that happen out there.

Fast forward a few months, into mid/late fall, when my sister in law made lasagna that didn't hold together... My Godson 1st stated it looked like throw-up then decided to call it lasagna soup. At my niece's birthday, she was going to make lasagna again, and the nephew, who'd heard about the lasagna soup exclaims, "I don't want to eat lasagna that looks like throw-up"! I locked myself into the bathroom... fortunately it all came out fine.

I think my niece would like the character development so far because of the main couple as this interspecies being so endearing, as you'll see more in chapters 13-16 in my Rants blog, to cheer this cute Talmanii gal with the cute ears and her studly Earthling hero. Her mother, my sister in law, would fall in love with the romance of the couple, and how her family supports the relationship. Chapters 17-20 is captured in Summer fun & Adventures.

Please read and if you could, keep reading. It is a work in progress, and you'd be helping a veteran break into the business. With enough hits, he can catch the attention of the publishers and possibly get his story published into a book.

I just love these characters in the story, though. The main gal is kind of a contradiction and in some ways. She is strong, capable and independent, yet is close to her family as you read in Goodbye's & Travels (Ch 21). She is also adventurous & curious while cautious in a smart way as you'll see in (Ch 22) Journeys & Preparations. Because she knows how to balance work, family & relationships, she appreciates her studly for his strength and enjoys that he accepts her family the way they do him in Preparations (Ch 23). And who knows what to look for, when there are Deliveries to be made, and are the dynamic duo sending or receiving these in chapter 24?

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