Sunday, July 17, 2022

Week 18 Topic: Be Yourself

Subtopic 1: What is your favorite ice cream flavor? 
Subtopic 2: 
Mention a rising moon

Growing up in a homogenous country in my younger years, where a lot of uniformity exists, then coming here to the States (S.E. Wisconsin to be specific) to have to fit in different boxes wasn’t easy, especially in an immediate family where it seems as if I couldn’t do anything right. I was likable yet didn’t feel lovable, so it was an adventure to where I could feel genuine, and I encourage other people to Be Yourself, too!

It started with going out to do & try different things, and as I diverged, got put in leadership positions, and explored various interests (even if they were lower on my list), I discovered a lot of things I was able to be good at, vs. what I don’t like to do. That’s important as well. We can like something without being good at it and can dislike something we’re good at. Go with what overlaps.

green tea ice cream

My favorite flavor is green tea ice cream. It’s got the sweetness & chill we all need on a hot day, but not too sweet, and a nice, robust tea flavor that makes it refreshing. Otherwise, it’s the standard chocolate type, different depending on mood. It would be cool to be on a date – enjoying ice cream watching a full moon rising.


  1. That sounds like good ice cream! It's important to always be yourself!

    1. I just love my green tea, also, and this is a great way to have some when it's hot.
