Sunday, October 16, 2022

Weekly Writing 31: Oktoberfest

Subtopic: Mention a dirndl and lederhosen

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Oktoberfest is tied with 4th Fest as being my favorite to celebrate. It’s not just that it’s my favorite craft beer, but I also appreciate the craftiness of the season, where it’s more than the food & hanging out with people you like (during the summer), but it’s also about the deco & costumes, too.

People who know me know that I love to cook, and I can do seasonal gatherings from cookouts to fall & winter holidays to birthdays and more! During the fall, I like to take pie pumpkins, cut them, roast them, use the seeds for one snack, and use the “meat” of the pumpkin to do pie from scratch. I do my own apple pies, too. But I also love the spook part of Halloween, and yes, pumpkin puke is one of the things that make my day… Being that I’m also crafty, I’ve done a few things, anyway… My son was attending Fine Arts School for kindergarten & we were encouraged to make as much of the costume for our kids as possible. I’d made him a pirate one, where I made a multicolored pair of shorts and a vest from bandanas, all different colors. Another one for his head, and even his sword was cardboard that I cut out, wrapped foil around the “blade” and wrapped twine on the “handle”. The crazy thing is, they had a school parade, and I have no idea who did the judging, but the grand winner was an expensive store-bought costume, and those who won 1st, 2nd & 3rd had minimally homemade items, and then there were about 10 honorable mentions, and my son wasn’t one of them for his 75% homemade costume (his T-shirt, socks & shoes were from the store). Oh well.

My Halloween display

In my front yard, I have gnomes on both sides throughout the flower garden, and I have this. I’m hoping the critters will find the peanut butter & help “carve” the pumpkins into a spooky delight. I’ll be passing out stuff again this year, with choices. I have a case of apple juice cups, so they get 1 of those & a choice of 1. fun size candy 2. small bag of chips 3. another juice cup – I always enjoy seeing the kids dressed up, and when I see a parent who is also dressed up, I encourage them to get a treat as well. Staying youthful is cool

I wonder if my husband, being a musician, would dress up with me in a dirndl and him in a lederhosen and we could get those alphorns so we could put the treats in boxes, and sound off each time a treat gets taken? I don’t know, he’d never go for it, but… I think it would be funny.

This could be us…

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